Sketcherna Laura & Kazan gör är roliga att arbeta efter - gång på gång ♥
Tyvärr kastar solen lite skuggor på kortet och jag han inte fota om , det är bara att klicka på bilden för att se den i större format
My nephew turn 29 tomorrow, and here is the card I mad for him. I wanted it a bit maculine and thought that Laura´Sketch #33 at 2 Sketches 4 You were perfect for just that.
The sketches Laura and Kazan makes are so fun to work whit - Over and over again.
Unfortunately , the suns cast some shadows on the card and I did not have the time to take another picture. Just click the image to see a larger view. And I hope you can read my English because im not so good in other languages than Swedish. :)
5 kommentarer :
What a great B- day card! Thanks for playing at 2S4Y!
Love it! Great take on the sketch!
Fab!! Love it!!
Pretty with the limited color. Very artistic.
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