Hittade en till utmanings blogg i USA som varje vecka har en ny utmaning. Den heter Just Us Girls Denna vecka skall man göra en 3D blomma. Min blomma är gjord i Vellum papper som jag klippt ut olika lager för hand och sedan chalkat och skrynklat ihop den lite.
Found a new challenge blog in the U.S. Each week they has a new challenge. It's called Just Us Girls, this week it´s to make a 3D flower. My flower is made in Vellum paper that I cut out the different layers by hand and then chalk and wrinkled it up a bit.

Även insidan har fått en blomma gjort av papper , några stämplar sedan är insidan också lite trevligare :)
Even the inside has a flower made of paper, a couple of stamps then the inside is also a bit nicer:)
4 kommentarer :
Oooh this vellum flower is SO pretty and soft and to think you cut it out by hand! LOVELY! I'm glad you found Just Us Girls - we are a GLOBAL group :-) Thanks SO much for playing along. I hope you had fun and will join us again on Saturday for a brand new WILD CARD challenge.
Hi Jessica! I am so happy to see you playing along with Just Us Girls 3-D flower challenge! Your vellum blossom is so GORGEOUS! Such an elegant looking card! I hope you join us Saturday for another fun challenge!
Wow - your flower is stunning! It is gorgeous - love the use of vellum for the flower. Great job. Thanks for sharing!
Jessica, what a beautiful flower you created!! Love that it's kind of sheer and it goes well with the dp flowers you added to your card. Such an elegant creation!!
Thanks so much for playing with Just Us Girls this week! Hope to see you again on Saturday for the Wild Card challenge I'm hosting! You don't want to miss it! EVERY participant will be a winner ;]
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