Went to bed but did after a while I had the feeling that I missed something . I forgot to post my contribution to 2S4Y this week and here I sit now, though I should be sleeping!

Denna vecka var det Kims tur att göra en bonus sketch och en jättebra sådan också . Mitt bidrag får bli ett Halloween kort med My mind eyes papper. Så snygga och liter mer vintage aktiga.
This week, it was Kim's turn to do a bonus sketch and such a great too. My contribution is a Halloween card with my mind eye paper. So stylish and vintage-like

Gillade verkligen Laura´s sketch denna vecka, så det fick bli ett färgsprakande kort i några av mina favoritfärger
Really liked Laura's sketch this week, so i made a colorful cards in my favorite colors .
4 kommentarer :
Great cards!!
perfectly adorable cards!!!
Great work! Thanks for playing at 2S4y!
Love them both great job you did.
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