Let´s get shaby ( http://letsgetshabby.blogspot.se/2013/08/challenge-49.html )har en utmaning där man skall bli inspirerad från en bild , man skall välja antingen vår, sommar, höst eller vinter. Jag valde höst och gjorde en påse till min väninna som tack för att hon bjöd på kräftskiva. I påsen la jag en nåldyna jag gjort av en gammal tom tejp rulle. Dekorerade påsen med papper , lite juteväv och ett stort löv jag hade bland mina saker.
Let's get shaby have a challenge where you will be inspired from an image, you must choose either the spring, summer, autumn or winter. I chose the autumn and made a bag for my friend as a thank you for that she her offered a crayfish party. In the bag I put a pincushion I made from an old empty tape roll. Decorated bag with paper, and a large leaf I had my stuff.
Bilden man skulle bli inspirerad av.
The picture you would be inspired by.
En tom tejprulle som jag satte en pappskiva under , tog en tygbit och fyllde med vadd som jag limmade fast inuti tejprullen , dekorerade utsidan med papper och spets bland annat
An empty roll of tape that I put a piece of cardboard underneath, took a piece of fabric and filled with cotton wool which I glued inside the roll of tape, decorated outside with paper and lace.
7 kommentarer :
This is delightful! Love your big leaf, its a gorgeous addition to the bag! What a great idea! Could we ask you to link up 'Let's Get Shabby' from your blog to us just in case anyone else would love to join in as well after reading your blog and to be in the running... Thanks for playing along with us!
You have created such a lovely gift bag and a sweet little pincushion too. Thanks for joining in with us at Let's Get Shabby.
What a very beautiful and creative gift. I love your interpretation of this challenge. Thank you so much for playing along at Lets Get Shabby.
I love your creative idea! Beautiful gift, the colours are just so yummy :) Thank you for joining LGS challenge!
What a lovely gift bag, so delightful
Thanks for playing along with us!
This is so sweet. Love the pin cushion you have created. Thanks for playing along with us at shabby.
Beautiful Autumn creations...Thanks for playing along with us at let's get shabby.
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